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Eco-sustainable Advertising

Eco-sustainable Advertising

Eco-sustainable Advertising

Consumers are more and more aware of brands choices, and they tend to choose brands with values that they can identify with. The concept of reputation has become central for any business activity, inducing companies to make more ethical choices that concern both their specific enterprise and their approach to communication. Already in 2016, a study conducted by Nielsen, Women & Diversity, pointed out a specific trend reported by consumers. What we are all looking for is the representation of positive values that span from diversity to supporting environmental awareness. And this interest is shared now more than ever; everyone, from the Gen Z to the Baby Boomers, showed interest towards these topics.

Eco-sustainability for brands and consumers

Compared to 2016 we can now record a further development in the consumers’ approach, as they have become more careful and responsible. Nowadays, not only eco-friendly choices inspire positive reactions, but consumers are also more prone to react negatively to outdated production and communication processes. This evolution of the public awareness is to be primarily attributed to Greta Thumberg and the Strike for Future movement. In fact, young activists shed a light on how we can act in a more responsible and sustainable way in our day-to-day lives, by, for example, limiting plastic use as much as possible and favoring green materials, such as recycled cardboard. An indirect consequence of this is the negative reflection on the reputation of those brands that still have not embraced the principles of eco-sustainability, thus resulting unethical and unable to keep up with the times.

Publicize your business with eco-sustainable advertising

Eco-sustainable advertising inspires a positive perception in the consumers and helps them to take into account a brand’s efforts towards more sustainable production criteria, and towards environmental protection. This only partially explored sector inspires advertisers’ creativity in achieving high-impact campaigns that, probably for the first time in history, associate communication with concrete change in the surrounding reality. This union of appearance and substance represents the focal point that is common to every successful campaign. A particularly winning choice is that of working on the brand’s image while keeping the consumers involved in the change. This, too, is a way to show how the attention towards sustainability is not only appearance.

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